Tremendous advances in technology has changed the face of dental treatment and consequently changing the patient’s perception of dental treatment. Laser treatments are comfortable and considerably reduce treatment time.
At Edens Dental, lasers are effectively used to treat minor oral surgeries, disinfection of infected tissues and root canals, laser gum surgeries, frenectomy, facial pain management, wisdom teeth surgeries, laser teeth whitening and other minor applications such as laser vaporization. Aphthous ulcers, hemangiomas, lymphangiomas and verrous carcinomas.
Invented in the 1900s LASER is the shorter version of Laser Amplified Stimulated Emission of Radiation. The light monochromatic and the collimation and coherency are what makes it unique.
The medium is stimulated by an energy source in a controlled manner in a single wavelength with high energy intensities, coherent and collimated. It thus penetrates and incises the tissue, seals nerves and blood vessels and vaporizes diseased tissue.